Wednesday, 28 November 2018

blog comment sentence starters.


In room four we are learning  about how to write a blog comment sentence starter. here is the link to mine. I found the learning easy because it wasn't that hard. koka maria gave me  a comment and here it is above my writing.   

Friday, 23 November 2018

A Coat of Arms

In room 4 we are learning about a coat of arms. we where asked these questions and then
anser them in a slide there is also information about what it is. I hope you like mine = ) 

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

The Southern right whale is here!

At the end of term three most of the classes in Wainui Beach School where so lucky to spot a Southern Right Whale brushing of the barnikels on it's body. Room four have all made a video about the Southern Right Whale. here is mine!