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Thursday, 19 November 2020
🤩Kapa Haka 2020🤩
Thursday, 12 November 2020
PBL term 4
Yes PBL is still on. but I am in an entirely new group with Zofia, Ivy, Klara and Tristin. This time we are painting the tank outside room 4. we might paint our house colours and the wainui logo or native bush.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
In week three we are having speeches! (YAY) I love speeches, I just find them fun. For my speech this year I am doing Anne Frank. I you don"t know who she is then read my speech below. The topic for this year is change makers. so you could do people who have changed the world or things that have changed the world. I hope you like it :)
Thursday, 3 September 2020
🟡PBL P.E shed🟡
Hi, sorry I haven't been posting much... Well that is because I am now in a group called "PBL" (Project Based Learning) PBL is basically... Well... Is just making things better, like if your school tanks are looking quite plane, then just paint something on it! Their are only about 13 or 10 people that are doing it this term in our school. Me and my friends Kalya and Charlotte have buddied up, and we have decided to get our old P.E shed up and running again. (We will be painting the inside and everything!) this blog post it the before, and my next blog about this will be the after!
- here are the before photos I put on a slide🙂
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
This term we have a new website to do maths on. It's called Math Whizz. When you start Math Whizz they will give you a trial run, so they know what your level your at. Once they have done the trial you get to pick your avatar, background, house and pets. (I have a goldfish as my pet) Anyway, when you finish a task you get gems, and each gem goes into your profile. Once you have 3 or 6 gems each week then it counts up and you go up to the next level. All the levels are- Rookie, Apprentice, Pro, Master and Superstar.At the end of each week we round up all our progress like how many gems we got in the week, our progress and the time we had on it. I really recommend it for viewers that are still in lock down at the moment. It is great for kids to get their maths skills up a level.
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
😋PJ day😋
This week on Wednesday the school is going to be in our PJ's for the day... Plus we get to eat pie and donuts for lunch. This is to fundraise for Y6 camp. I have ordered a donut and a pie. I also kindly ordered some for my siblings, all together it was $24. since I do not like pies I might give it to someone else.
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Goldilocks and the three bears rewinded
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Interschool Netball
This term We will be doing interschool netball. In the team there are 11 or so girls. Me, Kayla, Millie, Charlotte A, Te Atawhai, Charlotte M, Lola, Alivia, Rio, Alice, Dillan and Amber. We have each game every Friday at lunch. Last week we faced Awapuni at their school. This week we are facing Matawai school. They are coming here all the way from the gorge. We are going to face them on Wednesday instead of Friday.
the blue font are links to there blog
Week 2 term 3
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Lights, camra, Action!
Yay we are back at school! the holidays were really fun but where back at school now so lets start learning! Today I did a blog post about my aurora performance with Naia because It was so fun last term. There was makeup, stage fright, costumes and burger wisconsin! here's a slide about the hole performance.
Also on the dress rehearsal I forgot my lines! but I managed to find them again.
I hope you like the post
Week 1 Term 3
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Just Dance!
At school we are doing a topic that includes just dance to find out more read this slide
Week 12 term 2
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Menu with Me
week 11 term 2
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Aurora Drama
This term 2 students have been welcome to be in a collaborative drama group with 26 other kids from gisborne. Read more on the slide
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Bubble art
This week we had koka holly in with us in MLH. Since we were all in lock down she had the idea to do a acrostic poem it said Tillie's bubble. Beside the letter there was a sentance about lock down.
I hope you like mine
Week 8 Term 2
Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Lock down Life
For the last 2 months New Zealand has been in lock down. Our prime minister Jacinda Ardern refers to it as "bubbles" so every family has their own bubble and if they are in physically contacted with any other family they have to stay two meters away from them. Or else the bubbles pop! She also says that we have levels to stay in. Level 1 is when it's all normal no bubbles just all the same life. level 2 is when business are open, no bubbles and so are schools but remember to stay clear. Level 3 is when all schools are closed some businesses are open and we get to make our bubbles a bit bigger but remember 2 meters. Finally level 4 is completely lock down and your not allowed to leave the house only if getting food. But esencial business are still running like super markes of post office. Lucky my family owns a beekeeping business so we have been working like usual.
Week 1- ANZAC
week 4- STORY TIME
back to school
week 5 & 6- OUR EARTH
I'm very happy to be back to school
I hope you liked this weekes blog post
Week 7 term 2
Thursday, 5 March 2020
Chips, Beans & sour creams
Our year six camp will be at Hastings since we only have 25 or 28 kids in our year group. I will be doing a blog post about camp in week nine.
To know what week it is look at the bottom of each blog post. :)
All the year sixs had to make then deliver the nachos. I was one of the pickers and delivers. We were working in the staff room. There were 11 classes in total to deliver to. Once it was done they were delicious. Mine was really crumbly.
Week 5 Term 1
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Waves,Water and Racing
But it was not on land.
It was in water!
All of Moana syndicate went on the bus to enterprise pool. Where we sat was organised into year groups, and who we raced against was in year groups to. (Of course) My year group was waiting for quite a while. Quite a while meaning all through the heats and semifinals. (There were amazingly only 4 of us!)
As the year 6 girls lined up I felt really nervous really nervous. As Koka Rozie shouted "Ok year 6 girls" we hoped up onto the platform "take deep breaths" is what I said to myself. "Take you mark get set BEEEEEP!!!" SPLASH!!! I dived into the pool Oh no my goggles fell off! I keeped swimming. While swimming I tried to put them back on. (Which I did) My goggles were still filled up with water It was a nightmare. I was getting close to the wall wait too close Ahh! Yes, to save myself from getting too close to the wall I did a tumble turn. I was sprinting back and without noticing my cap fell of! Ha.
The other races where a challenge but I thought I would share this one cause it's pretty funny in that race I came first, in backstroke I came second and in breaststroke.
My brother Me diving My friends
Hope you have a wonderful day
Week 4 Term 1
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
YAY! School again
We had our first surfing session and that was fun. The third week we found out who our house captains are! I ended up getting house captain for mango. (blue) With Robbie HERE is his blog. I am so excited for the year of being a house captain.
Our buzz groups were very different this year, but I am still happy with what my group is. There is me, Nalu, Ethan, Cael and Josephine. Our animal is a goat. To find our buzz group we had to get one piece of paper with a word or name on it. For instance kid, goat, billy, and Capra aegagrus hircus.
Thanks for reading my first blog post for 2020. I will inform you with more information later. I hope you like the slide.
Week 1-3 Term 1